Laszlo Mireisz, founder of the Buddhist university in Budapest and of the Javas School, explores the implications of the forthcoming Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Aquarius. Drawing on the hermetic traditions, he demonstrates how this is a moment of great light – the change of an era, not only into the digital […]
New course at the Greek Astrology School: Evolving the soul – a path for our time
A unique integration of astrology, I Ching and mindfulness How can we make sense of the current chaos in the world? How can we find meaning in our individual lives? What do we need to do to nourish ourselves and find fulfillment? Our age is characterized by a disconnection and […]
Seeding the old in the new: the invisible living threads of the tradition
We are standing at a pivotal point in the history of mankind where chaos abounds, and the ground on which we stand is literally shifting, as symbolised by climate change. Multiple possibilities abound, as do multiple threats. Coping with such chaos in order to realise these possibilities, and not be […]
The nature of thinking: path towards love
In true thinking, also known as mindfulness, one is connecting the invisible supersensory world (cosmic thinking) as it flows through the body in response to internal and external events, through awareness of emotion, feeling sensation, cognition. Multiple layers of being. Multiple dimensions. Inner and outer flow together. Woven through the […]
Evolution or revolution? The alchemy of consciousness
All over the planet people from all walks of life – sustainability practitioners, astrologers, economists, politicians, health care and consciousness workers – are understanding that changes of a dimension that human beings have never witnessed is taking place. This is happening in our philosophical, spiritual, financial, social, environmental, health […]
Synchronicity, evolution and altered states of consciousness
Most therapies will use/draw upon some type of enhanced awareness practice for healing purposes, and this would necessarily take both practitioner and client into an altered space – we could call this level of consciousness, or plane. The levels of understanding about this space are varied – some drawing on […]
Why Mindfulness works: an ancient and modern view
How is it, that, from its origins deep in the forest when the Buddha first talked about ‘mindfulness’, it is becoming a powerful method of healing in the 21st century? At its heart, mindfulness is a method for slowing down body and mind processes in such a way that we […]